A breast augmentation can be life changing for anyone who wants to improve their body image. Whether you’ve just begun researching plastic surgeons in Miami or have already had your surgery, it’s normal to have concerns. Most women report high satisfaction rates after surgery, but complications do occur. One issue Miami breast augmentation patients experience is rippling.

plastic surgeons miami

What is Breast Implant Rippling?


The term “rippling” refers to seeing or feeling the folds of the implant through the skin. The rippling is often most noticeable when the woman is doing certain movements, such as bending forward. Up to 10% of patients develop rippling after surgery.


What Causes Rippling in Miami Breast Augmentation Patients?


A breast augmentation involves the manipulation of structural tissue, soft tissue, and skin. The soft tissue that fills the natural breast is what’s augmented with an implant.


Some patients don’t have enough soft tissue to properly cushion the implant. This often happens when a patient with a lower body fat percentage tries to achieve a much larger cup size. It’s also common in mastectomy patients who’ve lost breast tissue during their initial surgery. Likewise, when a woman with implants later loses a great deal of weight, the amount of tissue in her breasts may change. This can result in rippling that shows through.


Improperly filled saline implants are another issue that can lead to rippling. When the implant is either over or underfilled, the outer shell will stretch out or sag, both of which can lead to wrinkling.


Due to variations in the healing process, breast tissue can sometimes contract. The natural scar tissue forms a capsule around the implant, which can then tether to the skin or adhere to the implant itself, causing folding and rippling.


How Can You Avoid Rippling?


Choosing a realistic implant size for your body can help reduce the chances of rippling. If you’re approaching the surgery following a mastectomy, or you have other risk factors for rippling, your surgeon will most likely recommend silicone implants with placement beneath the muscle. This placement won’t work for every patient, however, so you’ll need to discuss the specifics with your doctor. If you do experience rippling, corrective surgery might be necessary.


The best way to prevent rippling and other complications is to choose an experienced plastic surgeon. Whether you want a tummy tuck in Miami, a breast augmentation, or any other procedure, working with an expert doctor will reduce the odds of a problem.


Are you experiencing implant rippling? Are you interested in learning more about breast augmentation in general? Dr. Ramiro Morales is here to help. With years of experience and academic achievements under his belt, Dr. Morales works hard to ensure every patient gets great results.


If you’re ready to schedule your free initial consultation, please contact us. From a simple tummy tuck in Miami to a full makeover, we’re here to help you attain the confidence you’ve been dreaming of.