Breast Implant Removal in Miami: Signs You May Be Ready for a Change

Breast implant removal refers to the surgical removal of breast implants previously added from breast reconstruction or breast augmentation patients. Breast implants are not meant to last for a lifetime, and require being removed or replaced every ten years or so. If you’re wondering about breast implant removal in Miami, you should discuss the situation with your doctor.

Whether you decide to remove your breast implants for cosmetic, personal, or medical reasons, it’s key to recognize when it’s time for you to get your implants removed, replaced, or redone. Like with any surgery, it’s important to understand what happens when your implants are ready to be removed and to spot the signs. This article discusses some reasons for breast implant removal, what to expect, and how it is done.

Who Can Benefit From Breast Implant Removal in Miami?

Miami is a city where bigger and bolder is better and breast implants are extremely common – so breast implant removal may not be the first thing that comes to someone’s mind when they think about the Miami body. However, it is a common procedure and one that should be routine for those who wish to keep their breast implants in good shape. So how do you know you’re ready for breast implant removal

Sometimes, there is hardening of the scar tissue around the implant, resulting in pain and discomfort. Problems with scar tissue is one of the most common reasons we have patients come in for breast implant removal surgery. Certain women may decide to remove their implants because their breasts have naturally transformed as time goes on, changing the way the implants look. Breastfeeding, age, and pregnancy can all result in changes to the size, shape, and weight of the breasts. 

Other reasons you may need to go in for breast implant removal surgery include capsular contracture (hardening of the breast), capsule leaks, and pain caused by the implants. Or, you may simply no longer want the implants or want to replace them with different ones. You may be an optimal candidate for this procedure if:

  • You don’t smoke
  • You are at a stable, healthy weight 
  • Your implants cause pain and discomfort
  • You don’t like how your implants look
  • Your breasts feel too heavy
  • You have Allergan textured implants that have gone through physical changes
  • Imaging shows a rupture or leak of implants
  • You are experiencing multiple systemic issues without an obvious reason

What Should I Expect During A Breast Implant Removal?

When you come in for your initial consultation, Dr. Morales will evaluate the current condition of your breasts. If you’ve been experiencing any symptoms, you need to discuss them in case the implants need to be removed for a medical reason. Be prepared to discuss the following when you go to your consultation:

  • Past or present medical conditions
  • Surgical goals
  • Previous surgeries
  • Any current medications and drug allergies

Dr. Morales will also assess your overall health status and any potential risk factors or preexisting health conditions, along with:

  • Taking photographs
  • Examining your breasts
  • Discussing your surgical options
  • Recommending the best course of treatment
  • Discussing any risks or potential complications as well as likely outcomes

Contact Us Today

Regular checkups and routine replacements are an important part of maintaining your health. If you’re looking for breast implant removal in Miami, call Ramiro Morales Plastic Surgery to book a consultation today!